Namespace ZeroInstall.Commands.Basic
CLI commands for Zero Install's core features.
- ZeroInstall.Commands.Basic.Exporters
Utilitiy classes for exporting data from Zero Install.
- AddFeed
Register an additional source of implementations (versions) of a program.
- AddRemoveFeedCommand
Common base class for AddFeed and RemoveFeed.
- CatalogMan
Manages the Catalogs provided by the ICatalogManager.
- DefaultCommand
The default command used when no command is explicitly specified.
- Digest
Calculate the manifest digest of a directory or archive.
- Download
This behaves similarly to Selection, except that it also downloads the selected versions if they are not already cached.
- Export
Exports all feeds and implementations required to launch the program specified by URI.
- ExportHelp
Exports all CliCommand help texts as HTML.
- Fetch
Downloads a set of Implementations piped in as XML via stdin (for programmatic use). Use Feed format with no inner linebreaks and terminated by a single linebreak.
- Import
Import a feed from a local file, as if it had been downloaded from the network.
- List
List all known interface (program) URIs.
- ListFeeds
List all known feed URIs for a specific interface.
- RemoveFeed
Un-register a feed, reversing the effect of AddFeed.
- Run
This behaves similarly to Download, except that it also runs the program after ensuring it is in the cache.
- Search
Searches for feeds indexed by the mirror server.
- Selection
Select a version of the program identified by URI, and compatible versions of all of its dependencies.
- StoreMan
Manages the contents of the IImplementationStores.
- Update
Check for updates to the program and download them if found.