Namespace ZeroInstall.Publish
Utilities for creating and modifying feed files.
NuGet package: ZeroInstall.Publish
- ZeroInstall.Publish.Capture
Builds feeds by creating and comparing snapshots of the system before and after an application was installed.
- ZeroInstall.Publish.EntryPoints
Automatic detection of application entry points.
Helps publishers set up the appropriate Commands and Runners.
- BuilderExtensions
Helpers for adding RetrievalMethods to IBuilders and setting missing properties.
- FeedBuilder
Builds simple Feeds containing a single Implementation.
- FeedEditing
Represents a Feed being edited using IUndoCommands.
- ImplementationExtensions
Helpers for setting missing properties on Implementations.
- RetrievalMethodExtensions
Helpers for setting missing properties on RetrievalMethods.
- SignedCatalog
A wrapper around a Catalog adding and XSL stylesheet and a digital signature.
- SignedFeed
A wrapper around a Feed adding and XSL stylesheet and a digital signature.