Zero Install .NET API
Zero Install is a decentralized cross-platform software installation system. You can learn more at
This website documents the Zero Install .NET API. You can use this to integrate Zero Install features into your own application.
NuGet packages
Package | Namespace | Description |
ZeroInstall.Model | ZeroInstall.Model | Data model for the Zero Install feed format. |
ZeroInstall.Client | ZeroInstall.Client | Client library for invoking Zero Install commands from within other applications. |
ZeroInstall.Store | ZeroInstall.Store | Management of implementation caches, digital signatures, etc.. |
ZeroInstall.Archives | ZeroInstall.Archives | Extracting and building archives (.zip , .tar , etc.). |
ZeroInstall.Services | ZeroInstall.Services | Services for solving dependencies, downloading implementations, executing apps, etc.. |
ZeroInstall.DesktopIntegration | ZeroInstall.DesktopIntegration | Integrating applications with desktop environments (creating menu entries, etc.). |
ZeroInstall.Commands | ZeroInstall.Commands | Command-line interface for Zero Install. The binary in this package serves both as an actual CLI and a library for building other clients. |
ZeroInstall.Publish | ZeroInstall.Publish | Utilities for creating and modifying feed files. |
flowchart TD
commands[ZeroInstall.Commands] --> services
commands --> desktop_integration
publish[ZeroInstall.Publish] --> client
publish --> archives
publish --> desktop_integration
services[ZeroInstall.Services] --> archives
archives[ZeroInstall.Archives] --> store
desktop_integration[ZeroInstall.DesktopIntegration] --> store
client[ZeroInstall.Client] --> model
store[ZeroInstall.Store] --> model